2025 - 2 - 23 - Andy Morris - He Will Hold Me Fast

2025 - 2 - 23 - Andy Morris - He Will Hold Me Fast

Andy Morris - He Will Hold Me Fast ...more


February 23, 20250 min read

2025-2-22 - Jon Woodhams - the Passover

2025-2-22 - Jon Woodhams - the Passover

Jon Woodhams continued our study of Luke with chapter 22 giving us an overview of Judas's betrayal and the implementation of the Lords supper ...more


February 02, 20250 min read

1/05/2025 - Jim Bingham - Parable of the Fig Tree

1/05/2025 - Jim Bingham - Parable of the Fig Tree

The speaker takes us to the Parable of the Fig Tree, in Luke 21, where we see the importance of studying the end times. ...more


January 05, 20250 min read

12-29-24 - Devon Boss - Luke 24:5-28 - The Last Days

12-29-24 - Devon Boss - Luke 24:5-28 - The Last Days

During Jesus last week before the crucifiction, He was teaching the people about events that would happen in the future. There will be dark days but at the end, the Son of Man will appear and be our r... ...more


December 29, 20240 min read

2024- 22-12 - Denzil Boss - Is He Worthy

2024- 22-12 - Denzil Boss - Is He Worthy

2024- 22-12 - Denzil Boss - Is He Worthy ...more


December 22, 20240 min read

2024-12-15 - Ray Gonzalez - Christ The Cornerstone

2024-12-15 - Ray Gonzalez - Christ The Cornerstone

Ray Gonzalez continues our study in Luke Covering the parable of the vineyard and drawing correlation to Christ as our Cornerstone ...more


December 15, 20240 min read

2024-12-8 - Andy Hylton - Prophet, Priest, and King

2024-12-8 - Andy Hylton - Prophet, Priest, and King

Andy Hylton continues our study in Luke going over the triumphal entry pointing to Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King ...more


December 08, 20240 min read

2024-12-1 - Donald Henderson - The Parable of the Pounds

2024-12-1 - Donald Henderson - The Parable of the Pounds

Donald Henderson continues our study in Luke 19 pulling practical application from the parable of the ten minas. ...more


December 01, 20240 min read

2024-11-24 - Mason Bingham - 14 Blind Men and 3 Sons

2024-11-24 - Mason Bingham - 14 Blind Men and 3 Sons

Mason Bingham continues our exploration of Luke emphasizing points from Zacchaeus and Christ's teaching ...more


November 24, 20240 min read

2024-11-17 - Jon Woodhams - The Rich Young Ruler

2024-11-17 - Jon Woodhams - The Rich Young Ruler

Jon Woodhams takes our study into Luke 18 giving us practical application from the interaction between Jesus and the rich young ruler ...more


November 17, 20240 min read

202410-27 - Andy Hylton - The Heart of God

202410-27 - Andy Hylton - The Heart of God

Andy Hylton continues our study of luke diving the passage into four sections that reveal parts of the heart of God. ...more


October 27, 20240 min read

2024 - 10 - 20 - Devon Boss - The Three Pairs

2024 - 10 - 20 - Devon Boss - The Three Pairs

Devon continues our study through Luke chapter 17 where we see three pairs. Repentance/Forgiveness, Faith/Obedience, and Gratitude/Glorification ...more


October 20, 20240 min read

2024-10-13 - Tim Meng - Stewarding Eternal Wealth

2024-10-13 - Tim Meng - Stewarding Eternal Wealth

Tim Meng continues our Luke study encouraging and exhorting us to be good stewards of the things God has given us ...more


October 13, 20240 min read

10-6-24- Christian Aichele - The Parable of the Lost Sinner

10-6-24- Christian Aichele - The Parable of the Lost Sinner

Christian Aichele takes us through Luke 15 in describing three different parables concerning the lost, and the joy once the lost are found. ...more


October 06, 20240 min read

09-29-24 - Don Morris - The Lord of the Sabbath

09-29-24 - Don Morris - The Lord of the Sabbath

Don Morris continues our study in Luke, he reminds us that Christ is the lord of the sabbath and that we should worship Him. Warning us that we should not let our religious practices get in the way of... ...more


September 29, 20240 min read

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