John Clifford finishes up the relationship conference with a message on the intangible relationships between Gods family and the importance of being present and fellowshipping with them ...more
February 16, 2025•0 min read
John Clifford wraps up the Saturday sessions speaking about influential relationships especially those concerning the discipleship of younger believers ...more
February 15, 2025•0 min read
John Clifford continues our study of Internal Family relationships looking specifically at the example of Isaac and Sara's family and what we can learn from the mistakes they made ...more
February 15, 2025•0 min read
John Clifford continues the relationship series with a focus on the internal relationships of families, the testimony it can be, and practical application of relationship building ...more
February 15, 2025•0 min read
John Clifford kicks off the winter relationship conference talking about the initial relationships that are fundamental in your life ...more
February 15, 2025•0 min read
David Hollingsworth takes us through six attributes of Christ seen in John 1 ...more
February 09, 2025•0 min read
Jon Woodhams continued our study of Luke with chapter 22 giving us an overview of Judas's betrayal and the implementation of the Lords supper ...more
February 02, 2025•0 min read
Jeremy Eapen - To Live as Christ ...more
Growth and development
January 19, 2025•0 min read
Bryan Westscott - To Live as Christ ...more
Growth and development
January 12, 2025•0 min read
The speaker takes us to the Parable of the Fig Tree, in Luke 21, where we see the importance of studying the end times. ...more
January 05, 2025•0 min read
During Jesus last week before the crucifiction, He was teaching the people about events that would happen in the future. There will be dark days but at the end, the Son of Man will appear and be our r... ...more
December 29, 2024•0 min read
2024- 22-12 - Denzil Boss - Is He Worthy ...more
December 22, 2024•0 min read
Ray Gonzalez continues our study in Luke Covering the parable of the vineyard and drawing correlation to Christ as our Cornerstone ...more
December 15, 2024•0 min read
Andy Hylton continues our study in Luke going over the triumphal entry pointing to Christ as our Prophet, Priest, and King ...more
December 08, 2024•0 min read
Donald Henderson continues our study in Luke 19 pulling practical application from the parable of the ten minas. ...more
December 01, 2024•0 min read